Same-day appointment requests


If you would like to request for a same-day appointment, please read the following before booking:

  1. All same-day requests must give at least 3 hours of notice

  2. To uphold our cancellation policy, all same-day appointment requests require a deposit of the full amount

  3. Deposits are NON-REFUNDABLE for any cancellations/reschedules

    *this includes medical emergencies, car troubles, etc

  4. If you are redeeming a session from your package, your deposit will be refunded to you after the completion of your appointment (allow for 1-2 business days)

Click here to see our cancellation policy

We have recently added a tiered system for our staff that reflects their skill and knowledge level. To learn more about our new tiered pricing, click the link below.

Click here to see our new tiered pricing

Click here to learn more about our therapists on staff

Tier 1 therapists available for same-day appointments:


  • Thursdays & Fridays 12-8pm


  • Mondays & Fridays 10-6pm

Tier 2 therapists available for same-day appointments:


  • Tuesdays and Thursdays 1230-830pm

  • Fridays 9am-1230pm

  • Saturdays 9am-230pm

Tier 3 therapist available for same-day appointments (not accepting new clients):


  • Mondays and Wednesdays: 1130am, 130pm, 4pm, or 6pm

  • Tuesdays and Thursdays: 11am, 1pm, 4pm, or 6pm